Friday 4 February 2011

One sin leads to another...

Action Films sent a couple of actors, posing as a pimp and a prostitute, into a Planned Parenthood facility in New Jersey. They made it clear that they were illegally importing underage girls to work as prostitutes, and wanted Planned Parenthood's help in providing contraception and abortions on a 'no questions asked' basis.

How do you think the Planned Parenthood manager responded?

Yes, complete collaboration in this serious set of illegal abusive activities. But then when your day job is arranging abortions, why would you not...? Once we erode our moral conscience, where do we stop?

The video may be seen on Youtube.

It should be added that Planned Parenthood have since sacked the manager: but one can't help wondering if her sackable offence was being found out....


Left-footer said...

Huh! There are Catholic people out there blogging that the actors were lying, and that the truth must always be told.

Sometimes I despair.

Ben Trovato said...

I think that's an important question, and that the discussion on Richard Collins' blog ( has been valuable.